Saturday, February 6, 2016

Your Why

There are so many wonderful thoughts going through my mind as I write this first post.

First, I have a blog.  That is just crazy to me.  I am not a writer.  I can talk for hours, but writing (typing) after my stroke can be challenging at times.

Second, It is crazy where life has taken me.  I never thought this is where I would be in my life.  It never occured to me that someday "I" would be a health and fitness coach.  Which got me thinking about "whys".  Why do I do this?  Why am I here typing this?

Simply put, I was overweight.  Two miscarriages, a diagnosis of PCOS, and various other hormone issues cause my weight to skyrocket and I wasn't interested in putting the work in to lose the weight. My husband and family loved me, I was no super model.  I didn't care.

Then this amazing creature walked into my life.  Everything changed in an instant.  I wanted to become the best mom in the world to my son.  I would do anything it took to accomplish this.

In 2012, two weeks before his second birthday, I knew I needed to make changes to keep up with him.  I started walking, then running.  Hoping this would take the weight off.  Very slowly, it started to.  Then the world changed for me.  In March 2013, I suffered a bi-lateral verterbral arterial dissection and stroke.  I was told I would never walk much less run.  Now, no one tells me what I can and can't do, especially a neurosurgeon who doesn't have my best interest at heart.

Eight months after my stroke, I started running.  Eighteen months after my stroke, I ran my first half marathon.

Running helps keep several of my stroke symptoms at bay, especially post stroke anxiety.  However, it didn't help with weight loss.

Recently, I was introduced to Team Beachbody and the 21 Day Day Fix.  This program has worked miracles.  I have lost weight and kept it off.

So what does this have to do with "why?"  I believe we can only succeed if we truly understand what motivates up.  Getting healthy, running, losing weight seem like the easy why.  But they are not.  We need to get to the root of why we do what we do.

For me it is simple.  Everything I do is for my son.  I want to be there for him.  I want him to remember running with me, learning healthy eating habits.  Being there for his graduation and wedding.  (Nothing is worse than being told I might not make it the next 24 hours knowing my baby was at home waiting for me.)

I challenge each of you.  Really think about why you are making a decision to get healthy.  Once you figure out what truly motivates you, you will be unstoppable.  There will not be a challenge you cannot meet head on and overcome.

Need help getting healthy?  Let me know I will be happy to help you on your journey.

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